Thursday, January 29, 2009

SINFPAD - (Southern Initiative NGO Forum for People’s Action & Development)

clip_image005Whatever may be the meaning of net work, for Rajendra Prasad who initiated SINFPAD (Southern Initiative NGO Forum for People’s Action and Development), net working means, “a companion of persons from different NGOs on equal and friendly terms, frequent and familiar intercourse- it means winning together”. Prof. S. Rengasamy, a well wisher and long time associate of Mr. Rajendra Prasad recalls, “even when Rajan and PAD had little resources to spare for activities other than budgeted, Rajan was interested in networking and supporting other NGOs. It was this positive attitude that made him to think of taking a largest delegation to World Social Forum (WSF) 2004 Mumbai. There were 64 delegates. Only big NGOs can manage this type of responsibility. Rajan has mobilized resources based on a theme i.e. “commercialization of water clip_image003resources”. Together with the partner NGOs, we made a serious study on Tamiraparani River and prepared a concept paper to be presented at WSF Mumbai. Thanks to Hivos and Siemenpuu, with their financial support, WSF-2004, Mumbai has become a possibility for several field workers who even had not crossed their district border. The SINFPAD delegation had made their presence to be felt in the Mumbai WSF. Thanks to all the partners, especially Jeevan Kumar & Venkatachalapathy,ATWT, Tuticorin, whose enthusiasm was limitless”.

The clip_image007solidarity has grown and SINFPAD has sustained. For reasons beyond the control of Rajan and SINFPAD partners, the net work was unable to mobilize resources for its activities as a separate entity. But Rajan and the partners never lost hope. SINFPAD partners were regularly meeting and sharing their experiences constructively.

It was always Rajan's wish to expose the smaller grass root level NGOs to international development experience, again made him to plan for WSF 2007 Nairobi. Kenya. There were 13 delegates, majority of them were first time boarding on a flight flying to other country. I have to tell all these things because, I myself experienced the positive psychological impact of such visits. Though it is a small delegation they made their presence felt by others- organizing cultural programs and seminars. It is usual in WSF that many of the scheduled programs cancelled due to lack of participation. But SINFPAD seminar was attended by more than 50 international participants- a success by any standard. SINFPAD thankfully acknowledges the support given by Siemenpuu to make WSF 2007 possible to smaller grass root NGOs.

clip_image009Again thanks to Siemenpuu, SINFPAD has some concrete Plan of Action - to study the impact of Global Warming in the southern districts of Tamilnadu, which comprises 25% of the Tamilnadu population (roughly about 17 millions). This two years study will definitely channelize the energies of the network and it is hoped that at the end of the study SINFPAD will come out with insights that will be appreciated not only by Siemenppu but also by others. SINFPAD is confident of the outcome of this study, because SINFPAD represent the wisdom of the ordinary people who always do extraordinary things.


For more about SINFPAD and its partners >>>>>>>

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